June 2 Selectboard Agenda

Past event
Jun 2, 2021, 7 to 8:15 PM

June 2, 2021

Due to closure of Hinesburg Town Hall

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Meeting ID: 981 3685 9509
Passcode: 865613

Link to meeting on Media Factory: https://www.mediafactory.org/hinesburg

You can also view on Comcast Ch.1084

1. Meeting Call to Order | 7:00PM
2. Agenda Additions or Deletions | 7:00PM
3. Public Comment | 7:05PM
4. Selectboard Forum/Town Manager Updates | 7:10PM
5. Approve Minutes of 5/19/21 | 7:15PM
6. Consider Appointment to the Planning Commission – Lenore Budd | 7:20PM
7. Receive Proposed Zoning Amendments RE: Contractor Yards, Vehicle Repair | 7:25PM
8. Discuss Purpose and Use of Lot #1 | 7:40PM
9. Approve Financing for Grader Purchase | 7:50PM
10. Review Working Draft of Personnel Manual | 7:55PM
11. Consider Approving Warrants of 5/20 & 5/27 | 8:10PM
12. Adjourn | 8:15PM

Questions or comments during the live broadcast? Email selectboard@hinesburg.org and those questions or comments may be read during the meeting. All times are approximate. For meeting materials, please visit: http://www.hinesburg.org/selectboard/meeting_packet/

Contact the Town Manager if you have questions: todit@hinesburg.org; or 482-4206

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