Planning Commission Public Hearing for Bylaw Amendments

Past event
Jun 2, 2021, 6 to 8 PM

Planning Commission Public Hearing for Bylaw Amendments

Brett Stanciu • Zoning Administrator, Greensboro

When: Jun 2, 2021, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

The Greensboro Planning Commission hereby provides notice of a public hearing being held pursuant to Title 24, Section 4441 and 4444 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated for the purpose of hearing public comment on the proposed amendments to the Greensboro Zoning Bylaw.

The public hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 6 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting. The Zoom link is included below.

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● Preserve vegetation and natural cover of the shores adjacent to Caspian Lake and the western shore of Eligo Lake (as defined by Zoning Maps) in order to protect surface water resources and prevent pollution;
● Recognize the extreme vulnerability of lakeshore properties to erosion;
● Preserve or improve the natural stability of shoreline;
● Prevent degradation of water quality;
● Preserve the undeveloped wooded vegetation views both to and from the lakes and to avoid problems resulting from continued development of the lakeshores which would cause natural and scenic resource degradation; and
● Retain the mix of residential/summer homes as well as the recreation uses traditional to these lakes while it protects wildlife habitats and conserves both the natural scenic beauty that currently exists along the shorelands as well as the open fields and undeveloped forest viewsheds within the Town of Greensboro.

The entire Town of Greensboro.

Article 2: Zoning Districts
§ 2.3 Greensboro Village District, § 2.5 Rural Lands District, and § 2.6 Resource District: sign setbacks.
§ 2.7 Shoreland Protection District: Description; Purpose; Precedence; Applicability; Exempt Development; Permitted Uses; Conditional Uses; Dimensional Standards; General District Standards; District Standards for Single-family Dwellings, Boathouses, Accessory Structures, Accessory Dwelling Units, Nonconformities, and Vegetative Cover; Nonconforming Uses and Structures; Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Standards for New Construction, Reconstruction, and Relocation.
Article 3: General Regulations
§ 3.8 Nonconformities: Conditional Use requirements.
§ 3.9 Protection of Water Resources: setback and buffer distances from rivers and streams.

Article 5: Administration and Enforcement
§ 5.1 Zoning Permits: Minor Subdivision, Major Subdivision, Application Requirements. Certificate of Compliance.
§ 5.4 Conditional Uses: Specific standards.
§ 5.13 Zoning Enforcement Policy.

Article 8: Lake Shoreland Protection District Bylaw
This article has been merged into § 2.7 Shoreland Protection District.

Article 9: Definitions and Acronyms
§ 9.2 Definitions: Building footprint, Height (of structures).

Copies of the proposed changes to the Greensboro Zoning Bylaw are available at the Town of Greensboro's official website (, in the Municipal Building located at 82 Craftsbury Road; in the Greensboro Free Library, located at 53 E. Craftsbury Road; the Greensboro Bend Post Office at 975 Main Street; the Greensboro Village Post Office at 12 Cemetery Ridge, in Greensboro, Vermont.

Written comment on the proposed changes should be directed to the Planning Commission, via the Zoning Administrator at:

PO Box 119
Greensboro, VT 05841

Dated at Greensboro, Vermont this 21st Day of April, 2021.
Greensboro Planning Commission
Carol Fairbank, Chair
Christine Armstrong
Kent Hansen
Ellen Celnik
Jerilyn Virden
Linda Romans

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