EWSD School Board Meeting June 1

Past event
Jun 1, 2021, 6:30 to 9 PM

The Essex Westford School District Board will next meet on Tuesday, June 1 starting at 6:30 p.m. Board members will join the meeting remotely and the Media Factory will broadcast the meeting on Facebook Live and it can be accessed through Zoom (You will need to REGISTER to join the meeting - see meeting login information below).

Agenda items for the meeting include:
* Equity Update
* Covid Recovery Plan
* ESSER Spending Themes from Survey
* Policy Second Read: C29 - Policy on Equity (First Read 9.15.2020)
* Required Policies - Adoption: C11 - Student Freedom Of Expression In School-sponsored Media; and C13 - Homeless Students
* Policy Governance Model Policies - Adoption: 1 - Global Ends; 2 - Executive Limitations Policies; 3 - Board-Management Delegation; 4 - Governance Process
* Local and Statewide Updates

To participate in the meeting, attendees must click this link to register in advance: https://ewsd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckd-2tpzMuGdM4E3-tQa-Rx1Ky3MD2wI1i

To learn more about the EWSD Board, please visit: https://www.ewsd.org/board

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