Inter-Generational Walk to School Day May 2

Past event
May 2, 2014

UID and BRMS students, staff, parents, younger siblings, grandparents and community members are all invited to participate in the VT Safe Routes to School Inter-generational Walk and Roll to School event this Friday, May 2! Walking School Buses depart from United Church of Underhill at 7:30 a.m. ; Mills Riverside Park at 7:40 a.m. and the CCTA bus stop at the former Green Crow Lumber Mill at 7:40 a.m. Unique to this Friday's walk: A POLICE ASSISTED CROSSING OF ROUTE 15 FROM THE END OF RACEWAY ROAD!
Walk to School events work to create safer routes for walking and bicycling and emphasize the importance of issues such as increasing physical activity among children, pedestrian safety, traffic congestion, concern for the environment and building connections between families, schools and the broader community. Drivers: thank you, in advance, for slowing down for pedestrians this Friday morning!

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