Spanish for Travelers Course

Past event
May 17 to 18, 2014

I took Elissa's Express Fluency Spanish class which came to Burlington in early April and will be going back to her May course as well. The focus is on repetition and fun so the limited Spanish you learn in really sticks in your brain. Highly recommend, details below. ~Michelle

Spanish for Travelers by
This crash course for travelers (or those dreaming of travel) will get you ready for your trip in the fastest way possible. Eating in restaurants, shopping in markets, asking directions, navigating public transportation.... as well as meeting people and making new friends... are all part of the travel experience. Understanding and speaking basic Spanish will take you a long way on your adventure!

Express Fluency courses make learning a language feel effortless and fun. They are taught using the latest brain and language acquisition research and are nothing like your high school language class. Read more about our engaging and effective methods.

208 Flynn Avenue (Jeff Clarke Photography Studio) Burlington, VT
May 17th-18th, 9am-1pm
$125 (registered and paid before May 1)
$145 (after May 1)

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