Community Conversations with Dan Noyes & Kate Donnally!

Past event
May 29, 2021, 9 to 10 AM

Hello to all within the Lamoille 2 District (Belvidere, Johnson, Hyde Park, and Wolcott)!

Last week the Vermont legislature adjourned, bringing the 2021 session (mostly) to a close. Come join Representative Dan Noyes, Senator Richard Westman, and myself for our final Community Conversation gathering of the session. This meeting will be held this Saturday, May 29th, from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. via Zoom.

Community members who are interested can either RSVP at the link below to join us via Zoom or watch the meeting livestream on YouTube at the link below. All monthly meetings are recorded and can be watched on my YouTube channel anytime. Head there if you would like to catch up on past topics and conversations.

These gatherings offer an opportunity to come together with your legislative representatives in a relaxed venue. Come to talk about the issues that are most important to you or to listen to the issues that are most important to your neighbors. We welcome your voice and participation and we hope to see you there!

To join us this Saturday, or to get on the email list for future meetings, please RSVP at the following link. After RSVPing you will receive a Zoom link to the upcoming meeting:

If you would like to watch past or future meetings via YouTube, please visit my channel here:

Finally, as we head into the summer and fall months, with pandemic restrictions shifting, I would like to know how you would like to stay connected. Please complete the following short survey to help me best organize community engagement in the coming months. Would you want the continued option of Zoom meetings? Would you prefer to meet in person? Would you like an extended break from thinking about politics at all? Please fill this out to help me best meet your needs:

Thanks as always for your engagement. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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