The Warren Planning Commission is working on a comprehensive revision to the town's Zoning Bylaw, including a complete replacement of the zoning map and districts. The changes would affect all property in the town. This review and revision to the Zoning Bylaw were recommended in the 2019 Warren Town Plan.
A complete draft of the Warren Land Use and Development Regulations and the proposed Zoning Map are now available for public review at as well as details about upcoming meetings and how you can get more information or comment on the proposed regulations.
Today, Wednesday, May 26 at 7:30 PM there will be a special meeting to review parts of the new regulations, including the Village, General Business, and Resort Districts. The meeting will also be broadcast LIVE on Ch. 44.
Placesense, the Town's consultants, will introduce the proposed changes to these districts, intended to align the land use regulations more closely to the current pattern of development, and the policies of the 2019 town plan. Only minor changes are proposed for the village, but the area identified for mixed-use development on the mountain has been expanded in response to the evolving four-season nature of the resort. The consultants and planning commissioners will be on-hand to receive feedback on the complete draft land use regulations document.
The meeting will be held via Zoom:
Topic: Warren Community Meeting 1
Time: May 26, 2021, 07:30 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting:
or Dial +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 868 1492 7371
Passcode: 284565
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