Master Gardeners to Host Webinar on Pollinators

Past event
Jun 19, 2021, 9 to 10:30 AM

Butterflies, bees and other pollinators play a vital role in the food web, yet many of us contribute to their dramatic decline with manicured lawns and non-native species in our gardens.

On June 19, Cat Buxton, Peg Solon and Susan Still will lead a webinar on pollinator-friendly gardens and habitat restoration. They will describe how gardeners and homeowners can still have beautiful gardens and landscapes while making choices that are good for pollinators and the planet.

The 90-minute session will begin at 9 a.m. It is hosted by the Windham and Windsor County chapters of University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Master Gardeners in collaboration with the Rockingham Free Public Library. Although free to attend, donations to support garden education programming are gladly accepted.

To register, go to To request a disability-related accommodation, contact Cindy Heath at or (603) 543-1307 by June 4.

Buxton is a UVM Extension Master Composter and soil health educator from Sharon. She founded Grow More, Waste Less, which empowers and connects communities to affect positive change from the ground up through education on soil, food, compost and whole systems.

Solon and Still, chairs of the Windsor and Windham County chapters, both became UVM Extension Master Gardeners in 2019 and co-chaired the state gardening conference the following year. They share an interest in native plants and healthy ecosystems and their connection with pollinators.

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