Special Needs Planning Workshop (Online)

Past event
May 26, 2021, 7 to 8 PM

This workshop is part of a 5-part, multi-presenter series on topics of interests to parents, family members, and individuals with disabilities. http://www.slatevalleyunified.org/o/fhuhs/page/virtual-parent-informational-series

Special needs planning is essential to protect and plan for your disabled family member. Even though not having the right plans in place can be a detriment for loved ones with special needs, many families just don't know where to begin. This workshop will include an overview of what parents and other family members need to know about special needs planning, including: the protection of important government benefits (SSI, Medicaid); special needs trusts; ABLE accounts, how to avoid a "payback" to the state for Medicaid; and how to ensure appropriate checks and balances to protect a vulnerable individual across their lifespan.

The Special Needs Planning Workshop will be on Wednesday, May 26th from 7 to 8pm. Please register to participate in the live event or to get notified of the recorded version.

Presenter: Attorney Claudia I. Pringles

Register here: https://pringleslaw.com/special-needs-planning-workshop-online/

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