Plant Sale at Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village

Past event
May 29, 11 AM to 5 PM, May 30, 2021

Please plan to get your garden and perennial starts from the Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village this May 29 and 30 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. All sales go to benefit our 2021 season, including educational programs and public events.

Find details and a flier here:

We'll have plant starters for sale for $1 (e.g., Jumpin' pansies, pansies, snow drops), $3 (e.g., spiderwort, gooseneck loosestrife, yellow loosestrife, catnip, heliopsis, rudbeckia, bee balm, a variety of tomato starts, green cabbage starts, red cabbage starts, kohlrabi starts, brussel sprout starts, broccoli starts, hot and sweet pepper starts) and $5 (e.g., hostas, day lilies, lemon lilies).

We'll have high quality, fresh young plants. We hope you can join us outside the Alexander Twilight House, 109 Old Stone House Road, Brownington, VT 05860.

Find details and a flier here:

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