Folks, the Salisbury Conservation Commission is anxious to get people outdoors and expand our bird list for the Pitch Pine Trail in Salisbury. If you are fully-vaccinated now and interested in going on a bird walk with me (Jim Andrews) on Saturday, June 5 (two weeks away) from 8-11 AM, contact me, (see below).
We will identify most birds by song, but we will also try to get our binoculars on as many birds as possible. We want to keep this small, so we are limiting the trip to the first 10 vaccinated people who contact me. The event is free and open to any fully-vaccinated person from any town. Beginners and experts are both welcome. This trail is relatively level, dry, and a total of 1.7 miles long. No pets are allowed.
If the weather is bad, we will postpone the event to the following day (Sunday, June 6).
Send my an e-mail if you would like to join me.
Jim Andrews
642 Smead Road
Salisbury, VT 05769