Brookfield Town Meeting Saturday

Past event
May 22, 2021, 10 AM

Town Meeting will be held at 10am, Brookfield Elementary School.

For those residents interested in your Town , this is a time to get more info about what is going on in Brookfield and voice your opinion, ask questions AND vote.

There are 2 issues that should be of concern that are on the Agenda.

1. Authorizing the Selectboard to buy another Dump truck, unclear whether this is to replace existing with same or another larger truck. cost of up to $198000. financed over 3 yrs. Not a minimal expense to taxpayers.

2. The proposal to increase the Selectboard to 5 members from 3 is also up for a vote. It was on the agenda in 2019, unfortunately the meeting can go long and many residents left before that item came up for a vote. If you would like to see 2 additional members join the board, bringing additional knowledge and experience to help our town , Please stay for the vote. It is the next to last item on the agenda, again.

If you want a Say, you have to Stay. Look forward to seeing you all there.

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