My childhood classmate and friend Lee Roberge has donated one of his lovely photograph of Mt Mansfield in autumn to raise money for his friend Laura Ann Evanoika's 9 year old son Tyler Mundell who is fighting leukemia.
Lee is selling raffle tickets to win the prize of his photograph. It is a 16x20 framed photo. It is a beautiful foliage picture of Mt Mansfield from a local family pond. Photo on display at Cambridge Elementary School Wednesday 4/30 and Thursday 5/1.
Tickets are $5 each; or 5 for $20. Benefit Tyler Mundell.
Call or text (Donna) 802-730-4655 or (Lee) 802-355-2251 for tickets or more information.
Cash or checks written to Laura Ann Evanoika (Tyler's Mom)
Drawing will be Thursday, May 1st, 2014 6 pm at the Cambridge Fire Station.
Winner does not need to be present to win.
You may also write to Tyler - he would love to get mail:
Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital at Vanderbuilt
2200 Children's Way
Nashville, TN 37232
ATTN: Tyler Mundell Room 6310
(to send an e-card delivered daily)
Visit website for updates and pictures:
Thank you for your kindness.