Next Plainfield Select Board Meeting, Wednesday, May 19
Plainfield Select Board Meeting
May 19, 2021, 7 PM
Participation only via electronic medium or by phone - information below
Agenda - times are approximate
NOTE: The Select Board Rules of Procedure are available at[...]pdf
7:00 PM Approval of/changes to agenda
7:00 PM Announcements
- SB Rules of Procedure re Public Participation
7:05 PM Public Comment
7:15 PM Town Clerk/Town Treasurer Report (Linda Wells) including:
- Re-roofing municipal building update-
- Catering permit: 892 Cocktails, Inc. at Spruce View Event Barn, May 29
- Excess weight permits:
Gravel Construction Co., Inc, Wolcott, Vermont
Donald Moore, Jr., Hardwick, Vermont
Jeff Maron, Washington, Vermont
- Approval of warrants
7:30 PM Administrative assistant terms of employment
7:40 PM Financial review
- ongoing and anticipated obligations
- alternatives for $120,000 in COVID-19 funds coming to Plainfield
8 PM Update on Old Firehouse inc. potential sale
8:20 PM Enforcing Zoning violation fines related to DRB Decision
8:30 PM Noise complaint on High Street related to private sign
8:35 PM Complaint about dirt bikes and vehicles racing and speeding on Main St.
8:40 PM Rte 2 intersection update including review of agreement between Town and State
8:45 PM Vandalism complaint from Melinda Vieux
8:50 PM Other business
8:55 PM Agendas for upcoming meetings:
Agenda items for June 9, 2021 Select Board Meeting
- Further discussion re items of focus for coming year
- Appointments
- Brook Road Bridge Replacement Project
- Review of timeline provided by Alice Merrill
- Financial implications of going forward and how to meet them
- Review of ongoing and anticipated multi-year financial obligations inc. project not yet started
- Implications of not going forward
- Discussion re whether there should be Town approval of the project
- Friends of the Opera House contract proposal
- Followup re trespass on town land related to private generator
- Approval of minutes inc. January 5, May 5, May 10 and May 19
9 PM Adjourn
Zoom Meeting: Plainfield Select Board Meeting
Time: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 7 PM
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Meeting ID: 837 6672 6982 Passcode: 013093
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