Fill-The-Van Food Drive

Past event
May 16, 2021, 2 to 3:30 PM

To address the needs of those in our community who are suffering from food insecurity, Christ the King - St Anthony parish is sponsoring another Drive-Thru Food Drive. Feeding Chittenden is providing us with a cargo van for the occasion, and our goal is to return it to them filled to the brim!

This event will be held on Sunday, May 16, from 2 - 3:30 PM in the parking lot at St. Anthony, 305 Flynn Ave. We ask that you load your donations into your trunk or back seat, drive to St. Anthony, and enter on the Ferguson Avenue side. Cones will direct you to our volunteers, who will retrieve the donations from your trunk and load them into the van. Exit to Flynn Ave. All nonperishable items are welcome. All precautions for COVID will be strictly adhered to by the volunteers.

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