Looking for easier composting methods?
UVM Master Composter Daniel Strohl will present "Seven Alternatives to the Big Backyard Compost Pile" this evening (Thursday, May 13th) at 7:00 PM via Zoom. This free virtual webinar features live captioning and is hosted by the John G. McCullough Free Library. All are welcome!
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
This event will also broadcast live on the McCullough Library's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/mcculloughfreelibrary
In his quest to create a more sustainable backyard, Daniel Strohl has tried just about every garden-scale composting method, irritated and delighted his neighbors, and attained a Master Composter certification through the University of Vermont. In all of his spare time, he manages the Bennington Farmers' Market, writes about old cars for Hemmings Motor News, and tries to think of more ways to pack his in-town 1/3-acre lot with food-producing plants.