Diversity & Equity Committee
May 17, 2021 / 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81381216577?pwd=aHVENThWL1JiK0dDbWhicnpLalZrZz09
Meeting ID: 813 8121 6577 / Passcode: 428068
Join by phone: 1-646-876-9923 / Meeting ID: 813 8121 6577 / Passcode: 428068
1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Visitors and Communications
4. Approval of Minutes from 4/19/2021 and 5/3/2021
5. Old Business
a. Expressing thoughts about our evaluation
b. Working group reports: updates on assessment tool use
c. Liaison Reports: Barre Unified School District D & E Committee; VLCT D&E Committee
6. New Business
a. Opening affirmation – Ellen
b. Scheduling warned, regular meetings going forward – Marichel
c. Finding committee members for our future work – Joelen
d. Creating a committee website – Danielle
e. Revisiting the education project – Joelen
f. Organizing working groups - Joelen
g. Pending term limits – Marichel, Chris, Joelen
7. Set next meeting Date
8. Round Table
9. Adjourn
Respectfully submitted,
Joelen Mulvaney,
D&E Committee Chairperson
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