Yard Sale, Forest Hill Dr Fri. & Sat.

Past event
May 14 to 15, 2021

Yard sale on Friday and Saturday, May 14th and 15th, from 9- 5. Items include small kitchen appliances, two living room chairs with ottoman, floor lamps, Wm. Rogers silver plate service for 8 cutlery, cast iron toys, bathroom lighting and fixtures, grab bars, classical and 70's/ 80's vinyl, books, dog kennels, 3 bathroom sinks with faucets, 4/ 6 panel interior doors, circa. 1964 vintage Noritake china service for 12, Jenn- Aire electric cook top, antiques and uniques. Open at 9 a.m. and not a second earlier. 3 Forest Hill Drive, St. Albans. Look for signs.

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