B.A.L. L. Fundraiser

Past event
May 3, 2014

B.A.L. L. Fundraiser at SoYo Frozen Yogurt Saturday May 3

On Saturday May 3, SoYo Frozen Yogurt--at 696 Pine St. --will be holding our 2nd annual fundraiser to benefit Burlington American Little League. May 3 is the league's opening day and is the unofficial start to summer in the South End. On Saturday, 50% of our sales will go to the Little League to help defray the costs of field maintenance, uniforms, and other operating expenses. B.A. L.L. and the volunteers that devote hundreds of hours to make it run, are the definition of community involvement and are one of the organizations that make the South End such a wonderful place to live and work. So, plan on visiting SoYo on Saturday, enjoying a tasty treat and helping out B. A.L. L. at the same time.

Hans Manske, Owner

696 Pine St. Suite 4 Burlington, VT 05401
soyobtv.com facebook.com/
SoYoFrozenYogurt twitter.com/
SoYoBTV instagram.com/soyobtv
w: (802) 540-0851

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