May 14 & 15 Large 2 Family Yard Sale, Clay Point Rd

Past event
May 14 to 15, 2021

Rain or shine Huge yard sale with Many ANTIQUES and VINTAGE items including cobalt blue glass, red glass, 1940's wool blankets, old pictures with antique frames, Pictures of Martha and George Washington, three piece John F Kennedy set. Many miscellaneous small dishes and plates , coffee grinder, knick knacks, a tapestry of peacocks, plus a large china cabinet, Marble topped table, 1950's Lane cedar chest, and trunk and more
Non vintage items contain some clothing ( mostly S and M), shoes mostly size 9, lamps, books, furniture, a little bit of this and a little bit of that and original art (Barn Quilts etc. Art by Art)
To see pictures check out Craig's list

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