Theatre Adventure's "Charlotte's Web"Online Production

Past event
May 12, 10:30 AM to May 14, 2021

"Charlotte's Web" will be live broadcast on May 12, 13, 14 at 10:30 am. After you purchase a ticket, you will receive a link that you can use for any of the morning performances or at another time that is more convenient to you.

$10 TICKETS are available: (

People of all abilities are welcome in the audiences of all Theatre Adventure performances. ASL interpreting is provided.

E. B. White's timeless tale, "Charlotte's Web" is a story of loneliness, belonging, friendship, and creative problem solving, all set on a New England farm during the cycle of the seasons. The Troupe brings to our online stage a richness of acting talents and styles of self-expression for their original production. The performers are not defined by their disabilities. Rather, the actors' passion for performing creates brave and innovative theater. Audience members of all ages will enjoy this one-hour and ten minutes production.

We have all been learning that with commitment and teamwork, waiting for change, for Charlotte's babies to be born, will happen. In E.B. White's words, "Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or hatch."

Please join us! Questions: 802-387-0765

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