Our library book club has selected a classic novel for our May discussion on Thursday, May 27: Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. Here's a description from Goodreads.com:
"Heralded as Virginia Woolf's greatest novel, this is a vivid portrait of a single day in a woman's life. When we meet her, Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway is preoccupied with the last-minute details of party preparation while in her mind she is something much more than a perfect society hostess. As she readies her house, she is flooded with remembrances of faraway times. And, met with the realities of the present, Clarissa reexamines the choices that brought her there, hesitantly looking ahead to the unfamiliar work of growing old."
Our book club has been meeting over Zoom. Our discussion of Mrs. Dalloway will also consider the 2002 film The Hours, featuring 3 women whose lives are interconnected by Wolff's novel. If I can figure out a way to safely screen the film for public viewing, I will update everyone here.
Copies of Mrs. Dalloway are now available, on display with our new books. Anyone is welcome to check out a copy and join us for the discussion. The book club zoom link is available at our website calendar: https://greensborofreelibrary.org/programs-events-2/.