Reminder - The Cabot Conservation Committee asks for your help in greening up Cabot's roadsides in the coming week. It really makes a difference. Green Up Day is officially on Saturday, May 3 and we will be collecting roadside trash from 9 AM to 2 PM. Green Up trash bags are available at the Town Clerk's Office and Harry's Hardware, or you may use your own bags. If you are unavailable on May 3, please consider going out on a nice morning or afternoon during the week prior and arrange to have the roadside trash dropped off on May 3. Residential tires will be collected for a fee: $4 (up to 16"), $5 (17-22"), and $10 for larger tires. We will have a map to keep track of roads that have been cleaned and that need cleaning. Last year we cleaned up over 30 miles of roads. Let's see if we can top this! Questions, please contact Gary Gulka, 563-2284.
Feb 26, 2025, 6 PM
Montpelier Farmers MarketMar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
Snow and ShowMar 2, 2025, 2 to 6 PM