Join me this evening and every Tuesday evening from 7 to 8 PM for a free guided "Do Nothing" meditation (also known as "Shikantaza" or "Just Sitting" in the Zen tradition) and dialogue.
Tonight's dialogue will explore whether it is even possible to not be here now. We spend a lot of energy trying to be present. To be here. To live in the now. But why spend so much energy doing so? Aren't we always, inevitably, living here and now? Perhaps the problem is not that we can't live here and now. We have no choice but to be where we are. Where else could we possibly be? Instead, perhaps the challenge is not that we are unable to live in the moment, but rather that we cannot accept what the moment has to offer. This is a better problem to have, for one cannot change the moment, but there is at least the hope that one can cultivate a kind and welcoming attitude towards what's here.
No prior meditation experience is necessary. We will meet by zoom until the pandemic abates.
I'm a college professor who teaches meditation both within and outside the university setting. I organize an online weekly advanced meditation discussion group and write a meditation-related blog, which you can browse here: .
If you're interested in joining me this evening, send me a message and I'll share the link with you.
Also, if you're interested in receiving email updates of future meditations, talks and retreats, please sign up to the mailing list here:
Mucho Metta!
Mar 8, 2025, 12 PM
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