Wake up, Upper Valley: White River First Fridays are back on May 7!
While we've been getting vaccinated and preparing to safely congregate as the weather warms, a group of Upper Valley artists has been collaborating on a series of FREE, COVID-safe summer arts events that are going to rock your socks off!
Light River Junction First Fridays start Friday, May 7 (RAIN DATE TBA, if necessary) with "Toons & Tones." The other LRJFF events are June 4, July 2, and Aug 6.
"Toons and Tones"
May 7, 5 - 10 pm (RAIN DATE TBA)
Free outdoor arts throughout downtown White River, with an emphasis on young local artists, including a filmmaking workshop, live music by local musicians, selected footage from the creative minds of CATV, projected short films from our great local filmmakers, and even an audio-visual beat set to get us moving after a long pandemic year of isolation.
DO: Mask up, maintain social distance per current state guidance, but otherwise ... enjoy!
Schedule here and below https://www.wrif.org/event/light-river-junction-first-fridays-with-wrif/2021-05-07/
5-7 pm - Behind Revolution
16mm Cameraless Filmmaking Workshop with Quinn Thomashow
5-6 pm - On the sidewalks
Performances by local musicians including Jakob Breitbach and Rob Oxford
8-11 pm -Town Crier
CATV Playlist & Here in the Valley - Local Archives curated by Chico Eastridge
Here in the Valley recorded performance
5-9 pm - Revolution & Scavenger
Window Movies: Selected visual music films, Here in the Valley highlights
8-9 pm - Lamphouse Micro-cinema
Curated short films
8-9 pm - Main Stage at Coolidge Parking Lot
Visual Music Short Films: Scream Tone - (Jo Dery) and Glistening Thrills (Jodie Mack), Films by Rich Fedorchak with live accompaniment
by Amy Garapic and others, Brief Glimpses on the Way to Joy, Part 1 (Rich Fedorchak, 19 mins, color, sound)
8-9 pm
Bell Building
Projections: Aged in Wood (Bruce Posner), Strafford/Tunbridge One Planet Cameraless Film, Formation of a River (JE Crawford), Vacationland (Matt McWilliams)
9-10 - Bell Building
Projections: Electric Dreams - A projection mapping performance by Lana Real
9-10 - Main Stage at Coolidge Parking Lot
Performance: Audio-visual beat set by Rah Zen
Jan 19, 2025, 1 to 3 PM
Community Coffee HourJan 20, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Free Yoga at the Chelsea Library Wednesdays at 6pmJan 22, 2025, 6 to 7 PM