On Tuesday, May 6th at 6:00, Koi Boynton, the Education Coordinator from High Mowing Seeds will be at the Lanpher Library to help us learn more about growing and saving seeds! Would you like to know how to save seeds from those beautiful tomatoes you've grown so you can plant them next season? What about more information about plant spacing, seeding depth, common pests and diseases? Join us to learn more and to learn about how you can save seeds to help the Lanpher Memorial Library start our own Seed Saving Library! Koi will bring seeds with her to give away too.
Then, on Monday, May 12th at 6:00, Hyde Park's own expert, Dr. Phil Chiaravalle will be at the Lanpher Library to lead us in a workshop called "Improving Soil Organically". Learn about the importance of good soil for growing your garden, and how you can add organic matter to your soil to make it the best possible for a bountiful harvest, or beautiful flowers!
We hope you will join us for these free and informative programs. Please tell your friends!