Jump in to Righting Your Writing, May 1 and May 8

Past event
May 1, 2014, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

This workshop runs 2 more weeks on Thursdays: May 1 and May 8, 6:30-8:30 pm. Newcomers are welcome each week.

Righting Your Writing focuses on self-editing to bring clarity to your writing using fewer words. Last week we were encouraged to think of the person or audience to whom we write. We also learned to seek and destroy redundancy, the most prevalent “weed” in writing. This Thursday we will focus on empowering our writing by unsmothering verbs and playing with pronouns to prevent them from causing misinterpretation. Remember: Writing isn’t just a business or professional skill—it’s a life skill.

Instructor Linda Bland is an author and educator who improved the writing skills of executives and employees at Vermont’s largest companies for 20 years. She also taught at six local colleges including MBA programs. The Varnum is fortunate to have Linda sharing her knowledge and experience to help others improve their written expression.
Please join us Thursday, May 1 or May 8 at 6:30 pm at the Varnum Memorial Library in Jeffersonville. This event is Free and the public is invited

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