Williston Selectboard Meeting - May 4

Past event
May 4, 2021, 7 PM

The Williston Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, May 4 at 7 PM using the video conference platform zoom. Copied below is a summary of the meeting agenda.

The agenda packet for the meeting, and information how to connect to the meeting using zoom can be viewed on the Town website at the following link:


Williston Selectboard Meeting - May 4, 2021

1. Call to Order
2. American Rescue Plan Briefing- Congressman Welch will provide an overview to the Selectboard
3. Minutes - April 6, 2021, April 20, 2021
4. Public Comment - General Issues
5. Public Hearing- Sewer Allocation Ordinance Amendment - Board will accept comments on the proposed amendment
6. Sewer Allocation Ordinance Amendment (Attachment A)- Consider adopting the proposed amendment
7. Outdoor Consumption Permit- Ramunto's- Acting as a local liquor control board consider granting permit
8. Noise Ordinance Variance Request- Consider granting variance to USDA for noise devices to deter birds from creating conflict with airport flight path at Avenue B
9. Selectboard Candidate Interviews- Conduct interviews with candidates for vacant seat
10. Vacant Selectboard Seat Appointment- Consider appointment to fill vacant seat
11. Route 2A Pedestrian Path Preferred Alternative- Consider selecting alternative for project
12. Manager's Report
13. Other Business
14. Adjournment

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