Spring Clothing and Book Swap

Past event
May 22, 2021, 4 to 5:30 PM

We are happy to announce that Friends of Families will be able to host a spring clothing swap this year!

It will look a little different this time so please read this entire post for details.

Since we are still unable to hold indoor events, we will be hosting another outdoor Children's Clothing and Book Swap. This popular free event is for anyone seeking children's clothing and books. The swap will be held outside in the parking lot behind Hinesburg Town Hall on Saturday, May 22nd from 4-5:30pm.

To ensure another successful swap please note that we accept all gently-used children's clothing, sized infant to 14, and children's books, toddler to middle-school level. Drop off clothing and books behind Hinesburg Town Hall under the covered ramp on Saturday, May 22nd from 8am - 2pm. There will also be a collection box for donations on the front porch of Town Hall from May 17th - 21st. No toys and no drop-offs during the swap, please. To keep everyone safe we will be requiring masks and social distancing during the swap. Tables will be spread out to facilitate social distancing.

In the event of inclement weather we will have a rain date of Sunday, May 23rd from 4-5:30pm.

This is a great way to switch out your kid's wardrobe, get new clothes for spring and pass on some clothing to friends and neighbors. If you just need clothing for your family and do not have anything to donate, you are welcome to just "shop".

Sponsored by Hinesburg Community Resource Center's Friends of Families Program. For more information, please call or email Alexandra Koncewicz at 482-4946 or koncewicz@hinesburgresource.org.

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