Busy with activities? Too busy to cook? Mark your calendars - May 23rd!
Our St. Ambrose cooks will be offering home-made chicken & veggie rich Chicken Pot Pie Dinners complete with salad and Rhubarb Crisp!! Dinners are $10/ea. Go to our website: https://stambrosestpeter.vermontcatholic.organd place your order[s]. Curb-side pick up will be on May 23rd between 4-5:30pm.
Here's the order form link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIbgVOHrpdMvOtuiZVDUPUX3FtgDovuBaUGMIj8HXE6rgUCQ/viewform
Dec 7, 2024, 10 AM to 2 PM
Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon - a Holiday Panto at ART!Dec 7, 2024, 7 to 9 PM
Benefit Concert for New Community ProjectDec 8, 2024, 1:30 PM