Trees to the Rescue - Arbor Day Event

Past event
May 7, 2021, 11:30 AM to 1 PM

Hi, Neighbors-

Our friends at Upper Valley Affinity Group have planned an Arbor Day event in Montpelier on May 7 starting at 11:30 and ending at 1:00 pm with Rachel Smolker speaking in front of the Statehouse. Details are below.

Jennifer Vyhnak,
Standing Trees Vermont

Protect, preserve and restore forests on Vermont federal and state lands.


On Vermont's Arbor Day, May 7, TREES will be marching through the streets of Montpelier to remind us that if we leave them standing they will help mitigate the climate disaster we face by absorbing and storing CO2, helping us avoid ever greater biodiversity loss.

The recent clear-cutting frenzy on our public lands is alarming. It adds to accelerating global climate change. Intact forests, especially mature and old growth forests of 80 to 180 year-old trees sequester and store substantial amounts of carbon. But large- scale logging pollutes our waterways and results in air pollution when wood is burned as "biofuel" for generating electricity or heating at industrial scale. Logging at this scale disrupts habitat putting species at risk and increasing the likelihood and severity of wildfires. Contrary to what the forest industry claims, biomass for energy production is not sustainable. Forests need decades to grow and return to the ability to store carbon they had before being clear cut. And decades are a luxury our planet no longer has.

Letting the trees stand undisturbed is one of the most effective and low-cost climate solutions that we so urgently need.

We are inviting people to come as trees of any shape or size. A cardboard cut-out on a stick will do, though some folks might be inspired to elaborate and let their imaginations soar. Old trees will be particularly welcome. The more diversity the better. Bring your friends. Some people might want to offer tree-making sessions in their communities.

Starting at City Hall at 39 Main Street at Noon on May 7, we trees will bear a wide banner up front and will hand out flyers as we walk silently along Main and State Streets for about half an hour. There is some parking in the back and on the street and in the parking lots around town, but Friday can be busy, so come early and leave enough time for the "Forest" to prepare to come to life. And, of course, please wear a mask and help us all make this a peaceful event.

The Trees will end up at the Statehouse steps where at 1 pm Rachel Smolker ofBiofuelwatch and Standing Trees Vermont will lend the trees her voice.

If you would like to co-sponsor this event please send the Upper Valley Affinity Group your group's name and logo.

For more information contact:

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