Relocalizing Vermont, Thursday - (Early) May Day Edition

Past event
Apr 29, 2021, 9 to 10:30 AM

Thursday morning on Goddard College Community Radio: Working class issues in the 1880s and today, in the US and in Vermont.

9:00 - 10:00 am
The Barre Historical Society is celebrating May Day (they say Primo Maggio, because that's-a-Italian ;-) this Saturday with a special online showing of the new film Haymarket, about the 1886 bombing that disrupted a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an 8-hour work day. The bombing and violence from the ensuing panic was followed by a crackdown on workers' rights activists. Guests will be Ruth Ruttenberg, president of the Barre Historical Society, and filmmaker Adrian Priwica.

Liz Medina, executive director of the Vermont AFL-CIO state labor council, will talk about the upcoming May Day rally noon to 3 pm, at the State House on Saturday, as well as opportunities for workers to organize and improve their pay and conditions in Vermont and nationally.

10:00 - 10:30 am
Resilience Thoughts, a locally told Extempo story, and more.

Please tune in! Relocalizing Vermont runs Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am Eastern, on WGDR Plainfield 91.1 FM / WGDH Hardwick 91.7 FM / streaming at

With on-demand streaming for two weeks after air date at

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