Riverside Sidewalk Alternatives at Selectboard

Past event
May 6, 2021, 7 to 9 PM

The Town of Jericho is currently conducting a scoping study to address the network gap around the Riverside Village triangle. The project area begins on the east side of Vermont Route 15, at the Jericho Market driveway and opposite Raceway Road, where an existing sidewalk to the south ends. It would extend northward approximately 1600 feet and connect to the sidewalk on Park Street.

On December 16, 2020 a Local Concerns meeting was held where the public expressed concerns and began the discussion on potential alternatives. Three alternatives were presented and discussed at the April 15, 2021 Selectboard meeting that surfaced at the December meeting, The Selectboard intends to discuss this again at their 7:00 pm May 6, 2021 Selectboard meeting and choose one of the alternatives.

Join May 6 Selectboard Meeting via Zoom:
* https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86985369404?pwd=bUZHT1pTVnIzNDJZa2JVSnZPK2dCdz09, or
* call in by phone (312) 626-6799 or (646) 558-8656, enter Meeting ID: 869 8536 9404 and Passcode: 235894.

Project materials, including information from the December 16 meeting, the proposed alternatives and the presentation and video of the April 15 meeting may be viewed on the Town website: www.jerichovt.org/riverside-sidewalk. For more information or to provide comments, please contact the Town Planner, Katherine Sonnick, at ksonnick@jerichovt.gov.

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