Green Up Day in the Old East End - May 1

Past event
May 1, 2021, 8 to 10 AM

Help us take out the trash! This annual spring ritual brings thousands of Vermonters together to clear their communities of litter.

Swing by one of our 3 primary areas to pick up your bag, and check out for our list of litter hot spots. Tackle any of the areas on your own, or join forces with our coordinators. However you choose to pitch in, we look forward to seeing you out and about in the Old East End!

How It Works

1. Wear visible clothing and bring work gloves.
2. Pick up free Green-Up bags at Schmanska Park, Greenmount Cemetery, or the Little Free Library at 166 East Avenue – between 8am and 10am; If you'd like to pick up a bag in advance or after 10 on May 1, please contact Cindy Cook at
3. Take your bags and do your thing, on your own or with other community members.
4. Tie your litter-stuffed bags closed and leave them along the closest major street for pick up – Colchester Avenue, East Avenue, Riverside Avenue, Barrett Street, Chase Street, or Grove Street.

Note: Personal bags, household trash, bulk items, recyclables will not be collected

If you're having a hard time deciding where your time and talent is most needed, check out our handy Location Poll. The results might help you decide where to spend your Green Up energy.

For more information

• The Old East End Neighborhood Coalition
• Green Up Vermont
• Green Up Vermont Mobile App – Android – Join team Old East End Neighbors
• Green Up Vermont Mobile App – Apple – Join team Old East End Neighbors

Rain dates will be Sunday May 2nd or Saturday, May 8th.

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