Vergennes City Council Meeting

Past event
Apr 27, 2021, 6 PM

April 27, 2021
6:00 p.m.

Remote Meeting Via Zoom

Join by Computer:

Join by Phone: Dial: 1 (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 561 577 976
Meeting Password: 1234

6:00 pm

1. Call to Order, Amendments to Agenda

2. Visitors

3. Approval of Minutes and Warrants*
Minutes: (4/13) & Warrants: (4/27)

4. Request from Rob Carter, President, Addison County Chamber of Commerce re: Vergennes Day 2021

5. Business:

a. Request that the Council Authorize the City to Make a Zoning Application for a proposed three-car parking lot on the south end of Mcintosh Mountain Bike & Recreation Park on east side of Comfort Hill. Presentation by Scott Hardy, Addison County Bike Club (ACBC)

b. Update on the Pavillion Project and Request to Approve Allocation of $30,000 from the Water Tower Fund. Presented by Kathy Rossier & Robyn Newton, Parks & Recreation Committee

c. FY 22 Budget
a. FY 22 Overview
b. Budget Presentations:
i. Pool (Kim Buckley, Recreation Coordinator)
ii. WWTF (Rick Chaput, Chief Operator and Jennie Auster, Project Manager, Hoyle, Tanner & Associations, Inc.

d. Authorization of execution of the Engineering Services Agreements for 1) Vergennes WWTF Preliminary Engineering Report Amendment and 2) Long Term Control Plan

e. Authorization for submitting applications for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Planning Loans for 1) Vergennes WWTF Preliminary Engineering Report Amendment and 2) Long Term Control Plan

f. Request to Approve Swimming Pool Fees, 2021.

g. Zoning Fees Discussion

h. Discussion of Resolution Re: Re-Establishment of Deputy Mayor Designation (approved by City Council, February 27, 2018)

i. Discussion re: Vermont's Open Meeting Law (See FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT VERMONT'S OPEN MEETING LAW, Vermont League of Cities & Towns) as it pertains to:
a. Making Changes to Agenda. Items 9-12
b. Meeting Minutes. Items 14-16

6. Manager's Report

7. Mayors Report

8. Adjournment

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