Younglife Lawn Sale

Past event
May 1, 2021, 8 AM to 2 PM

When: May 1, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Where: Martin's Hardware in Bristol (front lawn)
What: County-wide lawn sale
Why: All money raised helps bring kids to camp this summer

We need your gently used items to be dropped off at Martin's Hardware in Bristol!! This is a great way to donate and help out without having to open your wallet! In past years your contributions have helped many kids raise a significant amount of money toward their camp fee, so THANK YOU, we hope your generosity this year will do the same! You can drop off at Martin's Hardware in Bristol ALL WEEK! (please find a Martin's employee first before unloading.)

We cannot take used electronics, mattresses or pillows.

If you need a pick-up for larger items, please call or text 989-4181 we will be doing pick ups on Thursday and Friday.

Our Yard Sale will be Saturday May 1st from 8-2 on the lawn in front of Martin's Hardware in Bristol!

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