Jeghetto at Sandglass Theater's Voices of Community

Past event
May 22, 7 PM to 5:30 PM, May 23, 2021

Tarish Pipkins, better known as Jeghetto, will join us from North Carolina for a residency that includes a public livestream of Just Another Lynching and panel discussion, and special events with students at Theater Adventure and Brattleboro Union High School. Jeghetto's work focuses on themes of racial justice, human communication, and the inspiration found in common materials like paper and cardboard. His show, Just Another Lynching, has helped spark community dialogues around the country and given new meaning to the ways in which we "lynch" people in our society: literal murders that are still perpetrated today, threat to physical and psychological safety and depriving access to basic rights such as health care, economic opportunities, and voting. His puppetry inspires a desire to create through means that are common to all of us. As a teaching artist, Jeghetto is passionate about working with populations with diverse abilities to build puppets and connection.

This event will be free to the public and tickets will be required for access to the online events and can be reserved at

May 22nd, 7pm ET Livestream of Just Another Lynching and Artist/Audience conversation.
The 22 minute show, adapted for screen will be streamed over a zoom webinar. The second half of the event will be an open conversation lead by Jeghetto. Audiences will have the opportunity to reflect together on the show, how it might be relevant in contemporary activism, and connect directly with the artist who created it.

May 23rd, 4pm ET Panel facilitated by Shanta Lee Gander
Reflecting Vermont Back to Itself: Arts, Race, and Intersection of Realities In & Out of Vermont
Shanta Lee Gander (moderator) author, artist and multifaceted professional
Tarish "Jeghetto" Pipkins, Artist and Teacher
Christal Brown, Choreographer, Dancer and Educator
Steffan Gillom, President, Windham County Vermont NAACP
Desmond Peeples, Content Manager, Vermont Arts Council

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