Colchester Selectboard Meeting – April 27, 6:30 p.m.
Meeting will be held remotely.
Public can participate by phone:
Dial in: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 968 9254 4491
Passcode: 644494
Watch Live:
• American Rescue Plan Act, Congressman Peter Welch
• Approval of Outside Independent Audit of Town Financials by CPA firm Sullivan Powers & Co., P.C.
• Financial Report to the Selectboard
Meeting Agenda:
Residents are welcome to participate in the meeting via the call-in number above or alternatively, send a note to with "Citizens to be Heard" in the Subject and their name and address in the body of the email. The email will be shared with the entire Selectboard prior to the meeting and included in the information packet at the next meeting. (The information packet for the current meeting is sent out along with the agenda).
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