MARK your calendars------- Saturday May 3 2014
Neshobe PTO and Brandon Rec. Dept. have teamed up to sponsor a SAFETY DAY and a BIKE RODEO.
at Neshobe Elementary School 10am to 2pm..
SAFETY DAY is bigger than last with Safety Information.
> Brandon Fire Dept. presents the Smoke House
>The VT Health Dept. presents a ' 911 simulator
> Brandon Rescue Squad will show off their ambulance
>Brandon Police will show off their cruiser
>Cub scouts and girl scouts have Safety to share
BIKE RODEO---- Kohls Bike trailer with 10 bikes will be on site so children can learn and demonstrate Bike Safety and Bike through a Bike course. Children are encouraged to bring their bikes for a tune up by 2 bike specialists. Bike helmets are available for free on a first come, first serve basis.
The Legion will be cooking! Food and Drink will be available for a minimal cost.
Any questions: Call Debbie Boyce 345-0056 or email