May Book Selection: The Overstory by Richard Powers
Discussion: Wednesday, May 19 at 6:30
Overstory won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Barbara Kingsolver refers to Overstory as a " monumental novel " in which "The heroes are centuries old and 300 feet tall. Powers accomplishes what few living writers from either camp, art or science, could attempt. Using the tools of story, he pulls readers heart-first into a perspective so much longer-lived and more subtly developed than the human purview that we gain glimpses of a vast, primordial sensibility, while watching our own kind get whittled down to size."
Contact the library if you would like to reserve a copy: staff@guilfordfreelibraryvt. org or 257-4603.
Talk About Books meets every third Wednesday of the month at 6:30.
If you decide to read the book and join the discusson on Wednesday, May 19, make sure to ask for a zoom invitation. There is the possibility that, weather permitting, we will meet outdoors at the library!
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