Zoom Game Night

Past event
Apr 22, 2021, 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Mud Season Local Parent Meet-Up

This Thursday, April 22
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
on Zoom

Are you a parent or expecting parent looking to socialize and connect with other local parents that have young kids/babies? Come join us for a virtual parent game night where you can come as you are and have fun with other area parents.

Last meetup we had a lot of fun playing Scattergories. This week's game is TBD, but it will be similarly easy to play over Zoom, and a good time!

Questions: Contact Naomi at childrensroom@huusd.org or (802) 477-3720

Join Zoom Meeting: https://howardcenter.zoom.us/j/99485281887?pwd=V1RDZXBXU204cFIzZVFVKytrbFUwQT09

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