Deerfield Valley Lions Host Open House

Past event
May 2, 2021, 11 AM to 3 PM

On Sunday, May 2, the Deerfield Valley Lions Club will host an Open House at the Chamber of Commerce in downtown Wilmington from 11 am to 3 pm. Lion members will be on hand to chat with anyone who is interested in joining the Club, or just curious about the Club's mission and activities in the community. As the world's largest service organization, Lions embrace the values of kindness, community service, and diversity. In 2020, the Deerfield Valley Lions were recognized as Vermont's Club of the Year in recognition of their successful outreach programs and membership growth. If you have an interest in helping others, stop by the Chamber on May 2 to learn why the Lion's motto is "Kindness matters", and how you can make a positive difference for the Valley.

Formerly the Whitingham-Halifax Lions, the club has grown to include Wilmington and Dover.

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