Earth Week-Fighting Climate Change

Past event
Apr 19, 12 AM to Apr 25, 2021

"Kiss the Ground" is a new film how about how regenerating the world's soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth's climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. This film explains why transitioning to regenerative agriculture could be key in rehabilitating the planet, while simultaneously invigorating a new sense of hope and inspiration in viewers.

This film has been chosen as the featured film of Interfaith Power & Light's Faith Climate Action Week, April 16-25, 2021. Our theme this year is Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections between our Food, our Faith, and the Climate. Learn more about the week here.

Plan to screen it at your congregation. Screen it virtually for free from April 10 through 26 by signing up below. View it with your family or Covid-pod in the safety of your home. Or as a congregation screen it by inviting your members to view it at home, or screen it in-person following the COVID-safe regulations in your area using a DVD from IPL. Some congregations are planning to host small, outdoor, distanced screenings projecting the film on a wall or screen. And some congregations are passing around a DVD to congregational families or Covid-pods for small screenings. DVDs available for sale through IPL (see below, screening rights included), online screening is free.


Once you register you will receive the links to view the film and be able to view the film at home at your leisure between April 10-26.

Each household must register to get the link to view and report how many viewers, so that we can provide a count of viewers to the film team to THANK THEM for their generous free offer!

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