On Agenda for April 20: Logging Concerns

Past event
Apr 20, 2021, 6:30 PM

Hello neighbors,

For anyone hoping to have a say in the future logging practices of the Barre Town Community Forest, it has been added to the Tuesday, April 20 Town Selectboard meeting. Agenda available here: http://cms2.revize.com/revize/townofbarre/Selectboard/2021%20Agendas/April%2020%20Agenda.pdf

It is item #7. Call in for 6:30 pm for regular agenda items.

Information for joining:

Via video -- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTM4MzcyNmItZGVlNy00MWQxLWIzMjgtMDE1O[...]%7d

Once you follow the above link (or copy/paste it into your browser and hit enter...not sure how the link will present here in FPF) you can open the video meeting with Microsoft Teams if you have that app installed (popup window, hit cancel if you do not want this option), you can install the app if you'd like (the first option listed on the page to the right when you follow the above link), or you can just join without any of that app stuff (the second option listed on the page to the right-it says no download or installation required).

You can also locally call in at (audio only) 802-477-1200, participant: 489078#
Long-distance +1 929-352-1491, 109485676# United States, New York, Phone Conference ID: 109 485 676#

If you experience any problems joining, are welcome to call or text assistant town manager Elaine Wang's cell at 802-249-5978

I will be on the call as well a few other neighbors because although the town claims to have the full approval of a forester, it is chilling to think any forester would approve the clear-cutting that occurred on the Graniteville playground side of the forest, up through to the boiler landmark and up through dead bird trail to the vernal pool up there. I have walked other parts of the trails and seen other cutting that seems reasonable but the total loss of old-growth trees in the area described above...I hope with all my heart that does not occur in any other part of the trail system.

I will be asking about stopping further destruction of this manner, advocating for replanting, and asking what the plan is for allocation of the $37, 000 the town has made off the death of our beautiful trees. Hoping replanting is part of the plan as well as some projects which reflect the same longevity to honor the 50-60-year-old trees that were butchered. Some of the worst damage I saw was on the Graniteville side, as I mentioned, and over here we all have to live with the combined cumulative environmental impacts of the quarrying operation, the crusher plant, and the asphalt plant so it would be nice to have some good healthy trees to help combat those pollutants, block the unending noise, and to be able to enjoy as part of our forest. It's the only one we have any control over as a community.

Please add your voice to the Tuesday night select board meeting.

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