When: Apr 7, 2021, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The next Richmond Planning Commission meeting will be on April 21st at 7 pm.
Due to restrictions in place for COVID-19, and in accordance to Act 92, this meeting will be held by login online and conference call only. You do not need a computer to attend this meeting. You may use the "Join By Phone" number to call from a cell phone or landline. When prompted, enter the meeting ID provided below to join by phone. For additional information and accommodations to improve the accessibility of this meeting, please contact Ravi Venkataraman at 802-434-2430 or at rvenkataraman@richmondvt.gov.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83379408426?
Meeting ID: 833 7940 8426
Passcode: 633169
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
The agenda is as follows:
1. Welcome, sign in and troubleshooting (7:00 pm)
2. Adjustments to the Agenda (7:01 pm or upon completion of Item 1)
3. Public Comment for non-agenda items (7:02 pm or upon completion of Item 2)
4. Approval of Minutes (7:10 pm or upon completion of Item 3)
5. Discussion on Building Energy Standards (7:15 pm or upon completion of Item 4)
6. Discussion on Zoning for Affordable Housing project (8:00 pm or upon completion of Item 5)
7. Discussion on Nonconforming Lots, State Permit References, and Accessory Dwelling Units (8:30 pm or upon completion of Item 6)
8. Other Business, Correspondence, and Adjournment (9:00 pm or upon completion of Item 7)
The meeting materials are available on the Town website: http://www.richmondvt.gov/boards-minutes/planning-commission/planning-commission-materials/. If you have any questions or requests to improve the accessibility of this meeting, please contact Town Planner Ravi Venkataraman at rvenkataraman@richmondvt.gov, or at 802-434-2430.
Thank you!
The agenda is
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