DRB Meeting

Past event
Apr 21, 2021, 7 AM

The materials for next week's DRB meeting are now available as PDF files at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-c7DqUdt6SgV081SXFRSjhwcW8?usp=sharing

The meeting will be conducted online using the Zoom platform. For convenience the Zoom info is presented below.
The agenda includes the following items:
1. CALL TO ORDER (7:00)
2. REVIEW OF MEETING MINUTES (7:01, or upon completion of Item 1)
March 17, 2021
April 7, 2021
3. PUBLIC COMMENT (7:05, or upon completion of Item 2)
Topics not otherwise included in agenda
completion of Item 3)
5. CU21-07 (7:15, or upon completion of Item 4) – Application by Samuel and Geraldine Bloomberg for
Conditional Use Review for a 35 sq.ft. addition to accommodate an elevator lift. Property at 120
General Greene Road is located in the Rural District, the Lakeshore Overlay District and the
Neighborhood Overlay District.
6. SUB17-04R1 (7:25, or upon completion of Item 5) – Application by David Farrington for Preliminary Plan Review for the re-subdivision of a portion of existing Lot 2 into 2 new lots (5 & 6). Remaining portion of Lot 2 will be incorporated into Lot 4. Property at 4788 Spear Street is located in the Residential District, Stormwater Overlay District and a portion of the Watercourse Overlay District.
7. SUB18-01R1 (Continued) (7:55, or upon completion of Item 6) – Application by Peter Ewing to amend Planned Unit Development. Two approved residential building sites would be merged. New building site with 5-acre building envelope would be located on parcel C previously designated for conservation. Property at 300 Cheesefactory Lane is located in the Rural District, Conservation District, and Floodplain and Watercourse Overlay District.
8. OTHER BUSINESS AND ADJOURNMENT (8:25, or upon completion of Item 7)
● Administrative Site Plan Approval (Atlas Gunworks)

To participate in the meeting by computer:
Meeting ID: 819 1200 3683 Passcode: B3z3KG
To participate in the meeting by telephone:
Dial 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 819 1200 3683 Password: 092769

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