GFL April Book Club

Past event
Apr 29, 2021, 4 to 5 PM

GFL's book club has selected a true jungle adventure story to read in April. The story's author joined a team of scientists who ventured deep into the interior of Honduras looking for a lost city of immense wealth known as The Lost City of the Monkey God. Modern technology helped them to "see" the city from above, but the path on foot to explore the ruins of this lost civilization was fraught with danger. The team battled torrential rains, quickmud, disease-carrying insects, jaguars, and deadly snakes. Read all about it in The Lost City of the Monkey God -- copies are on display with our new books -- and join us on Thursday, April 29 at 4:00 on Zoom to share your review. If you cannot Zoom in from home, please contact me and I can set you up with a laptop to Zoom in from a library room. The Zoom link is available on our library events calendar:

Greensboro Free Library

2021 WINTER HOURS: TUESDAY 10-7, THURSDAY 10-5, FRIDAY 10-5, SATURDAY 10:00-2:00, SUNDAY 11:30-1:30.

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