Selectboard Meeting, Tuesday

Past event
Apr 13, 2021, 7 PM


Please find below a link to the Selectboard materials for our meeting on Tuesday evening, April 13, at 7:00 P.M. The complete agenda topics and Zoom details also follow.

Thank you; be well.

Lee Krohn, Town Manager

Join SELECTBOARD Zoom Meeting TUESDAY APRIL 13 7:00 P.M.

Meeting ID: 868 6952 5973
Passcode: Q8AEb1

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 868 6952 5973
Passcode: 674738

Call to Order/Roll Call 7:00 P.M.

*Approve Agenda 7:00 P.M.

*Approve meeting minutes of March 23, 2021 7:00 P.M.

Public Comments 7:05 P.M.

Selectboard Comments 7:15 P.M.
Town Manager Report 7:20 P.M.

New business introduction: Liz Weir, New Soil 7:25 P.M.

*Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Task Force: update and action plan 7:30 P.M.

*CBC appointments/reappointments, and request to expand membership on the 8:00 P.M.
Bike/Ped/Paths Committee

Current fiscal year budget review 8:10 P.M.

*Consider restoring certain budget line items deferred re: COVID-related concerns 8:20 P.M.

*Policy and Ordinance Development: review proposed strategy and timeframes, 8:40 P.M.
Including introduction of new or amended policies and ordinances for:

Wastewater billing
Wastewater allocation ordinance
E-911 ordinance
Extension of interim COVID-related zoning bylaws

*"No Mow May" Concept - introduction 9:00 P.M.

*Declaration of Official Intent (related to the voter-approved bond for purchase 9:10 P.M.
Of land for a prospective Fire/Rescue station and construction of shared infrastructure)

*Wastewater allocations: 268 Caspian Lane, 210 GPD 9:15 P.M.
416 Bishop Road, 140 GPD
530 Martindale Road, 140 GPD

*Liquor licenses 9:20 P.M.

*Executive Session: personnel 9:25 P.M.

*Adjourn 9:45 P.M.

Thank you.

*Decision item. Times noted are approximate, and depend upon how each topic's discussion flows.

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