The Tinmouth Plant Sale will return for its 30-something year. We will again be hosted by Squier Family Farm on McNamara Road in Tinmouth (use 05757 if you want to google it).
Open daily 10-7. We will officially open on April 24, but watch our Facebook Page at Tinmouth Plant Sale and this forum for our soft opening date which will likely be earlier. We continue to add plants as the season progresses, so you may want to visit more than once. . Last year we were at the Farm Stand for about 3 weeks and 4 weekends and had our most successful plant sale ever. Thank you all, please come back!.
We will be offering Tinmouth grown perennial flowers, shrubs and herbs. If it grows in Tinmouth it will live in your garden. We have excellent signage explaining the growing habits of each plant. You can take a photo of the sign for each plant if you want to remember which plants attract pollinators and which plants prefer shade or a moist spot.
All proceeds benefit the Tinmouth Continuing Education Scholarship Fund. Tinmouth Scholars of all ages thank you!
Hope to see you in Tinmouth as you uncover your garden and get excited for new plants to full those empty spots or that new garden space you have just created!
Volunteers always welcome. We also accept weed-free donations of perennials, but call first to see if we need it. We also accept used plastic pots 5" or larger. You can leave pots at the Town Office or the Farm Stand.
While you are visiting the Plant Sale, please also visit the Squier Family Farmstand which features organic beef, goat, greens, yogurt, maple syrup, lots of other veggies and fruits and other locally produced products. This is a great way to buy local and organic and support Vermont farmers.
For info-Cathy Reynolds 446-2928 or cell 802-881-6775 or via email response to this post.
Mar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM
Tai ChiMar 6, 2025, 4 to 5 PM
SVUUSD Board MeetingMar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM