5:00 PM
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Middlesex Town Clerk's Office
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
Due to public health concerns over COVID-19, the Select Board is holding its meetings via Zoom for the foreseeable future. In order to listen to and participate in this public meeting, please see instructions below. ** If you encounter problems accessing the meeting, please call the Town Clerk's Office at 802-223-5915.
5:00 PM Call to Order/Amendments/Welcoming guests
5:05 Considering the state of the MVFD The Select Board is holding this special meeting in response to concerns from adjoining towns that the Middlesex Volunteer Fire Department does not, or cannot, live up to its "mutual aid" agreement by reliably responding to fires and emergencies in neighboring communities. In prior meetings with the Board, the MVFD president has explained that since many of the members of the MVFD are employed regular hours, they cannot respond to mutual aid calls during the day.
The MVFD president has also said towns like Montpelier and Waterbury often do not request Middlesex's assistance for a variety of reasons.
The question before the Select Board is whether to stick with this structure – in which a separate 501C3 organization made up of volunteer firefighters from Middlesex and surrounding communities provides emergency services using a town-owned building with town-owned equipment – or explore alternative systems. The Board is eager for community input on this important issue and strongly encourages those interested in the future of the MVFD to attend via Zoom and, if inclined, participate. Action possible.
- Approving the Minutes of the April 6, 2021 Select Board Meeting. Action likely.
- Approving a FEMA subgrant in the amount of $102,000.00 under the Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program for disaster DR-4330 to acquire and demolish the
property located at 28 Rich Road. Action likely.
- Orders
- Any other matter that may come before the Board
7:00 Adjournment
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